
Manage book files

Each open book file appears on its own tab in the Book panel. If multiple books are open at the same time, click a tab to bring that book to the front and access its panel menu.

Icons in the Book panel indicate a document’s current status, such as open , missing  (the document was moved, renamed, or deleted), modified  (the document was edited or its page or section numbers changed while the book was closed), or in use  (if someone else has the document open). No icon appears next to closed documents.

To view the pathname of any document in a book, hold the mouse pointer over the document name until a tooltip appears. Or, choose Document Information from the Book panel menu.

Save a book file

Book files are separate from document files. For example, when you choose the Save Book command, InDesign saves the changes to the book, not the documents in the book.

 Do one of the following:
  • To save a book under a new name, choose Save Book As in the Book panel menu, specify a location and filename, and click Save.

  • To save an existing book under the same name, choose Save Book in the Book panel menu, or click the Save button  at the bottom of the Book panel.

Note: If you are sharing book files over a server, make sure that you have a file management system in place so that you don’t save over each other’s changes accidentally.

Close a book file

  • To close a single book, choose Close Book in the book’s panel menu.
  • To close all open books docked together in the same panel, click the close button on the Book panel’s title bar.

Remove book documents

  1. Select the document in the Book panel.
  2. Choose Remove Document in the Book panel menu.

Removing the document from the book file doesn’t delete the file on disk; the document is removed only from the book file.

Replace book documents

  1. Select the document in the Book panel.
  2. Choose Replace Document in the Book panel menu, locate the document you want to replace it with, and then click Open.