
Object style categories

If you want the style to apply only certain attributes, leaving any other settings untouched, make sure that the categories you want the style to control are in the appropriate state. You can use any of three states for each category: turned on, turned off, or ignored. For example, checking the Drop Shadow box will include drop shadow formatting in the object style. Deselecting the Drop Shadow box will indicate that drop shadow is turned off as part of the style — any drop shadow applied to an object appears as an override. Setting the Drop Shadow box to “ignore” (a small box in Windows or a hyphen in Mac OS) will leave drop shadow out of the style, so any drop shadow applied to the style does not appear as an override.

Object style categories

Turned on


Turned off

Note: Categories in which the settings can be turned on or off individually, such as Fill, Stroke, and Transparency, have only two states. They can either be turned on or ignored.

The Paragraph Styles category is turned off by default, even if you’re creating a text frame. This category is applicable only if the object is an unthreaded text frame.