

Create running captions for figures and tables

Running captions number figures, tables, and other items consecutively in a document. For example, the first figure caption starts with the words “Figure 1,” the second with “Figure 2,” and so on. To make sure that figures, tables, or similar items are numbered consecutively, define a list for the item, and then create a paragraph style that includes the list definition. You can also add descriptive words such as “Figure” or “Table” to the numbering scheme of the paragraph style.

  1. Create a new paragraph style and, in the Bullets and Numbering section of the Paragraph Style Options dialog box, choose Numbers from the List Type menu.
  2. Choose a defined list from the List menu (or choose New List to define a list).
  3. Under Numbering Style, select the type of numbering you want to use from the Format menu.

    For example, select the A, B, C, D... option to create a list for “Figure A,” “Figure B,” and so on.

  4. In the Number box, enter a descriptive word and any spacing or punctuation (as needed) along with the numbering metacharacters.

    For example, to create a “Figure A” effect, enter the word “Figure” and a space before the numbering metacharacters (such as Figure ^#.^t). This adds the word “Figure” followed by a sequential number (^#), a period, and a tab (^t).

    Note: To include chapter numbers in running captions, choose Insert Placeholder From Chapter Number from the Number list, or enter ^h where you want the chapter number to appear in the number scheme.
  5. Finish creating the style and click OK.

After you create the style, apply it to text figure captions or table titles.

You can use the Table Of Contents feature to generate a list of tables or figures.