

View or change profiles for imported bitmap images (InDesign)

InDesign allows you to view, override, or disable profiles for imported bitmap images. This may be necessary when you are importing an image containing no profile or an incorrectly embedded profile. For example, if the scanner manufacturer’s default profile was embedded but you have since generated a custom profile, you can assign the newer profile.

  1. Do one of the following:
    • If the graphic is already in layout, select it and choose Object > Image Color Settings.

    • If you’re about to import the graphic, choose File > Place, select Show Import Options, select and open the file, and then select the Color tab.

  2. For Profile, choose the source profile to apply to the graphic in your document. If a profile is currently embedded, the profile name appears at the top of the Profile menu.
  3. (Optional) Choose a rendering intent, and then click OK. In most cases, it’s best to use the default rendering intent.
Note: You can also view or change profiles for objects in Acrobat.