
Advanced controls in Photoshop

In Photoshop you display advanced controls for managing color by choosing Edit > Color Settings and selecting More Options.

Desaturate Monitor Colors By
Determines whether to desaturate colors by the specified amount when displayed on the monitor. When selected, this option can aid in visualizing the full range of color spaces with gamuts larger than that of the monitor. However, this causes a mismatch between the monitor display and the output. When the option is deselected, distinct colors in the image may display as a single color.

Blend RGB Colors Using Gamma
Controls how RGB colors blend together to produce composite data (for example, when you blend or paint layers using Normal mode). When the option is selected, RGB colors are blended in the color space corresponding to the specified gamma. A gamma of 1.00 is considered “colorimetrically correct” and should result in the fewest edge artifacts. When the option is deselected, RGB colors are blended directly in the document’s color space.
Note: When you select Blend RGB Colors Using Gamma, layered documents will look different when displayed in other applications than they do in Photoshop.