
Restore a single missing link or replace link with a different source file

You can restore or replace a missing link—one that shows the missing-link icon  in the Links panel—or any linked file with a different source file.

  1. Select the linked artwork on the page, or select a link name in the Links panel.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • In the Links panel, click the Relink button , or choose Relink from the panel menu.

    • Click the linked filename in the Control panel, and then choose Relink. (To access this option, you must select the image in the artwork.)

  3. In the dialog box that appears, do one of the following:
    • Locate and select a replacement file.

    • Type the first, or first few, letters of the name of the desired replacement file to locate the file.

  4. Click Place.

The new artwork retains the size, placement, and transformation characteristics of the artwork that it replaced.

Note: If all of a document’s missing links are located in the same folder, you can restore all of them at once. In the Links panel, select all of the missing links, and then restore one of them; the Place dialog box stays open for you to reselect each one.