
Print a composite of artwork

A composite is a single-page version of artwork that corresponds to what you see in the illustration window—in other words, a straightforward print job. Composites are also useful for proofing the overall page design, verifying image resolution, and identifying problems that may occur on an imagesetter (such as PostScript errors).

  1. Choose File > Print.
  2. Select a printer from the Printer menu. To print to a file instead of a printer, select Adobe PostScript® File or Adobe PDF.
  3. Select Output on the left side of the Print dialog box, and make sure that Mode is set to Composite.
  4. Set additional printing options.
  5. Click Print.
    If your document uses layers, you can specify which ones to print. Choose File > Print, and select an option from the Print Layers menu: Visible And Printable Layers, Visible Layers, or All Layers. You can also specify specific areas to print by using crop areas. For a video on creating crop areas for print, see