
Create blends

The Blend tool and Make Blend command let you create blends, which are a series of intermediate objects and colors between two or more selected objects.

Create a blend with the Blend tool

  1. Select the Blend tool .
  2. Do one of the following:
    • To blend in sequential order with no rotation, click anywhere on each object, but avoid anchor points.

    • To blend to a specific anchor point on an object, click the anchor point with the Blend tool. When the pointer is over an anchor point, the pointer changes from a white square to transparent with a black dot in its center.

    • To blend open paths, select an endpoint on each path.

  3. When you are finished adding objects to the blend, click the Blend tool again.
    By default, Illustrator calculates the optimum number of steps to create a smooth color transition. To control the number of steps or distance between steps, set blending options. (See Blend options.)

Create a blend with the Make Blend command

  1. Select the objects you want to blend.
  2. Choose Object > Blend > Make.
    By default, Illustrator calculates the optimum number of steps to create a smooth color transition. To control the number of steps or distance between steps, set blending options.