
Keys for working with type

This is not a complete list of keyboard shortcuts. This table lists only those shortcuts that are not displayed in menu commands or tool tips.



Mac OS

Move one character right or left

Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Move up or down one line

Up Arrow or Down Arrow

Up Arrow or Down Arrow

Move one word right or left

Ctrl + Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Command + Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Move up or down one paragraph

Ctrl + Up Arrow or Down Arrow

Command + Up Arrow or Down Arrow

Select one word right or left

Shift + Ctrl + Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Shift + Command + Right Arrow or Left Arrow

Select one paragraph before or after

Shift + Ctrl + Up Arrow or Down Arrow

Shift + Command + Up Arrow or Down Arrow

Extend existing selection



Align paragraph left, right, or center

Ctrl + Shift + L, R, or C

Command + Shift + L, R, or C

Justify paragraph

Ctrl + Shift + J

Command + Shift + J

Insert soft return

Shift + Enter

Shift + Return

Highlight kerning

Ctrl + Alt + K

Command + Option + K

Reset horizontal scale to 100%

Ctrl + Shift + X

Command + Shift + X

Increase or decrease type size

Ctrl + Shift + > or <

Command + Shift + > or <

Increase or decrease leading

Alt + Up or Down Arrow (horizontal text) or Right or Left Arrow (vertical text)

Option + Up or Down Arrow (horizontal text) or Right or Left Arrow (vertical text)

Set leading to the type size

Double-click leading icon in the Character panel

Double-click leading icon in the Character panel

Reset tracking/kerning to 0

Ctrl + Alt + Q

Command + Option + Q

Add or remove space (kerning) between two characters

Alt + Right or Left Arrow (horizontal text) or Up or Down Arrow (vertical text)

Option + Right or Left Arrow (horizontal text) or Up or Down Arrow (vertical text)

Add or remove space (kerning) between characters by five times the increment value

Ctrl + Alt + Right or Left Arrow (horizontal text) or Up or Down Arrow (vertical text)

Command + Option + Right or Left Arrow (horizontal text) or Up or Down Arrow (vertical text)

Increase or decrease baseline shift

Alt + Shift + Up or Down Arrow (horizontal text) or Right or Left Arrow (vertical text)

Option + Shift + Up or Down Arrow (horizontal text) or Right or Left Arrow (vertical text)

Switch between Type and Vertical Type, Area Type and Vertical Area Type, and Path Type and Vertical Path Type tools



Switch between Area Type and Type, Path Type and Area Type, and Vertical Path Type and Vertical Area Type tools

Alt-click Type tool

Option-click Type tool

To change the increment value for type shortcuts, choose Edit > Preferences >Type (Windows) or Illustrator > Preferences >Type (Mac OS). Enter the values you want in the Size/Leading, Baseline Shift, and Tracking text boxes, and click OK.