
Create rows and columns of text

  1. Select an area type object.
  2. Choose Type > Area Type Options.
  3. In the Rows and Columns sections of the dialog box, set the following options:
    Specifies the number of rows and columns you want the object to contain.

    Specifies the height of individual rows and the width of individual columns.

    Determines what happens to the span of rows and columns if you resize the type area. When this option is selected, resizing the area can change the number of rows and columns, but not their width. Leave this option deselected if you want row and column widths to change when you resize the type area.
    Options for resizing rows and columns

    Original columns

    Columns resized with Fixed selected

    Columns resized with Fixed deselected

    Specifies the distance between rows or columns.

  4. In the Options section of the dialog box, select a Text Flow option to determine how text flows between rows and columns: By Rows  or By Columns .
  5. Click OK.