
Use smart punctuation

The Smart Punctuation command searches for keyboard punctuation characters and replaces them with their typographic equivalents. In addition, you can use the Smart Punctuation command to globally insert ligatures and fractions, if the font includes these characters.

If you’re using an OpenType font, use the OpenType panel instead of the Smart Punctuation dialog box to typeset ligatures and fractions.
  1. If you want to replace characters in specific text, rather than all text in the document, select the desired text objects or characters.
  2. Choose Type > Smart Punctuation.
  3. Select one or more of the following options:
    ff, fi, ffi Ligatures
    Renders ff, fi, or ffi letter combinations as ligatures.

    ff, fl, ffl Ligatures
    Renders ff, fl, or ffl letter combinations as ligatures.

    Smart Quotes
    Changes straight keyboard quotation marks into curly quotes.
    Note: The Smart Quotes option always replaces straight quotes with curly quotes, regardless of the Double Quotes and Single Quotes settings in the Document Setup dialog box.

    Smart Spaces
    Eliminates multiple spaces after a period.

    En, Em Dashes
    Replaces a double keyboard dash with an en dash and a triple keyboard dash with an em dash.

    Replaces three keyboard periods with ellipsis points.

    Expert Fractions
    Replaces separate characters used to represent fractions with their single-character equivalents.

  4. Select Entire Document to replace text symbols in the entire file or Text Only to replace symbols only in selected text.
  5. (Optional) Select Report Results to see a list of the number of symbols replaced.
  6. Click OK to search for and replace selected characters.