
Tabs panel overview

You use the Tabs panel (Window > Type > Tabs) to set tab stops for a paragraph or type object.

Tabs panel

Tab alignment buttons

Tab position

Tab leader box

Align On box

panel menu

Tab ruler

Snap panel above frame

You can access additional commands and options in the Tabs panel menu. To use this menu, click the triangle in the upper right corner of the panel.

Align the Tabs panel with a selected type object

You can position the Tabs panel anywhere in the work area; however, it is usually helpful to align the Tabs panel with a type object.

  Click the magnet icon . The Tabs panel moves directly above the selected text object, with the zero point aligned with the left margin. If necessary, you can drag the resize button at the lower right corner of the panel to expand or reduce the ruler.

Snap tab stops to the ruler units

By default, you can position tab stops anywhere along the tab ruler.

 Choose Snap To Unit from the panel menu or hold down Shift as you drag a tab stop.

Change the units of measure for the tab ruler

The units of measure for the tab ruler are defined by the General units settings specified in the Units & Display Performance preferences (for all files) or by the units specified in the Document Setup dialog box (for the current file).

  • To change the units of measure for all files, specify a new value for General Units in the Units & Display Performance preferences.
  • To change the units of measure for the current file, specify a new units value in the Document Setup dialog box.