
Set slice options

A slice’s options determine how the content of the slice will look and function in the resulting web page.

  1. Do one of the following with the Slice Select tool:
    • Select a slice in the illustration window, and choose Object > Slice > Slice Options.

    • Double-click a slice in the Save For Web & Devices dialog box with the Slice Select tool.

  2. Select a slice type and set the corresponding options:
    Select this type if you want the slice area to be an image file in the resulting web page. If you want the image to be an HTML link, enter a URL and target frameset. You can also specify a message that will appear in the browser’s status area when the mouse is positioned over the image, alternative text that will appear when the image is not visible, and a background color for the table cell.

    No Image
    Select this type if you want the slice area to contain HTML text and a background color in the resulting web page. Enter the text you want in the Text Displayed In Cell text box and format the text using standard HTML tags. Be careful not to enter more text than can be displayed in the slice area. (If you enter too much text, it will extend into neighboring slices and affect the layout of your web page. However, because you cannot see the text on the artboard, this will not be apparent until you view the web page in a web browser.) Set the Horiz and Vert options to change the alignment of text in the table cell.

    HTML Text
    This type is available only when you created the slice by selecting a text object and choosing Object > Slice > Make. The Illustrator text is converted to HTML text with basic formatting attributes in the resulting web page. To edit the text, update the text in your artwork. Set the Horiz and Vert options to change the alignment of text in the table cell. You can also select a background color for the table cell.
    To edit the text for HTML Text slices in the Slice Options dialog box, change the slice type to No Image. This breaks the link with the text object on the artboard. To ignore text formatting, enter <unformatted> as the first word in the text object.