
Adjust slice boundaries

If you created a slice using the Object > Slice > Make command, the position and size of the slice is tied to the artwork it contains. Therefore, if you move or resize the artwork, the slice boundaries adjust automatically.

If you created a slice using the Slice tool, the Create From Selection command, or the Create From Guides command, you can manually adjust slices in the following ways:

  • To move a slice, drag the slice to a new position with the Slice Selection tool . Press Shift to restrict movement to a vertical, horizontal, or 45° diagonal line.
  • To resize a slice, select the slice with Slice Selection tool, and drag any corner or side of the slice. You can also use the Selection tool and Transform panel to resize slices.
  • To align or distribute slices, use the Align panel. Aligning slices can eliminate unneeded auto slices to generate a smaller, more efficient HTML file.
  • To change the stacking order of slices, drag the slice to a new position in the Layers panel or select an Object > Arrange command.
  • To divide a slice, select the slice and choose Object > Slice > Divide Slices.

    You can combine slices that were created by any method. Select the slices and choose Object > Slice > Combine Slices. The resulting slice takes its dimensions and position from the rectangle created by joining the outer edges of the combined slices. If the combined slices are not adjacent or are of different proportions or alignments, the new slice may overlap other slices.

    To resize all slices to the artboard boundaries, choose Object > Slice > Clip To Artboard. Slices that extend beyond the artboard are truncated to fit the artboard and autoslices that lie within the artboard are extended to the artboard boundaries; all artwork remains the same.