
Image Maps output settings

You can set the following options in the Image Maps set of the Output Settings dialog box:

Specifies what type of image map is created:
Includes all required code for the image map in the image’s HTML file.

NCSA Server-Side
Creates a separate .map file in addition to the HTML file, using NCSA specifications.

CERN Server-Side
Creates a separate .map file in addition to the HTML file, using CERN specifications.

Client & NCSA Server-Side
Creates both a client-side and server-side compatible image map, using NCSA specifications.

Client & CERN Server-Side
Creates both a client-side and server-side compatible image map, using CERN specifications.
Note: Contact your Internet service provider to find out whether to use NCSA or CERN specifications for server-side image maps.

Specifies the location of the image map declaration (the <MAP> tag) in the HTML file:
Places the image map declaration at the top of the HTML body section.

Places the image map declaration above the <IMG SRC> tag for the associated slice.

Places the image map declaration at the bottom of the HTML body section.