Set up the document window as you want it to appear in new documents you create from the template. This includes the magnification level, scroll position, ruler origin, guides, grids, crop areas, and options in the View menu.
Draw or import any artwork you want to appear in new documents you create from the template.
Delete any existing swatches, styles, brushes, or symbols, you don’t want to retain.
Create any new swatches, styles, brushes, and symbols, you want in the corresponding panels. You can also import preset swatches, styles, brushes, symbols, and actions from a variety of libraries that come with Illustrator.
Create any graph designs you want and add them to the Graph Design dialog box. You can also import preset graph designs.
Set the desired options in the Document Setup dialog box and Print Options dialog box.
Illustrator saves the file in AIT (Adobe Illustrator Template) format.