are several ways to zoom in or out of artwork.
Select the Zoom tool . The
pointer becomes a magnifying glass with a plus sign in its center.
Click in the center of the area that you want to magnify, or hold
down Alt (Windows) or Option (Mac OS) and click in the
center of the area that you want to reduce. Each click magnifies
or reduces the view to the previous preset percentage.
Select the Zoom tool and drag a dotted rectangle, called
a marquee, around the area you want to magnify. To
move the marquee around the artwork, hold down the spacebar, and
continue dragging to move the marquee to a new location.
Choose View > Zoom In or View >
Zoom Out. Each click magnifies or reduces the view to the next preset
Set the zoom level at the lower-left corner of the main
window or in the Navigator panel.
To display a file at 100%, choose View >
Actual Size, or double-click the Zoom tool.
To change the view to fit the document window, choose
View > Fit In Window, or double-click the Hand tool.