
Navigator panel overview

You use the Navigator panel (Window > Navigator) to quickly change the view of your artwork using a thumbnail display. The colored box in the Navigator (called the proxy view area) corresponds to the currently viewable area in the illustration window.

Navigator panel

Thumbnail display of artwork

panel menu button

Zoom box

Zoom Out button

Proxy preview area

Zoom slider

Zoom In button

You can customize the Navigator panel in the following ways:

  • To display artwork outside the boundaries of the artboard in the Navigator panel, click View Artboard/Crop Area Only from the panel menu to deselect it.
  • To change the color of the proxy view area, select panel Options from the panel menu. Select a preset color from the Color menu, or double-click the color box to choose a custom color.
  • To display dashed lines in the document as solid lines in the Navigator panel, select panel Options from the panel menu and select Draw Dashed Lines As Solid Lines.
  • To specify the size at which text is replaced by a gray bar in the Navigator panel, select panel Options from the panel menu and enter a font size in the Greeking box.