You use the Swatches panel (Window >
Swatches) to control all document colors, gradients, and patterns.
You can name and store any of these items for instant access. When
a selected object’s fill or stroke contains a color, gradient, pattern, or
tint applied from the Swatches panel, the applied swatch is highlighted
in the Swatches panel.

Swatches panel in Small List view
- A.
- Spot color
- B.
- Global
- C.
- Fill or stroke of None
- D.
- Registration
swatch (prints on all plates)
- E.
- CMYK symbol
(when document is open in CMYK mode)
- F.
- RGB symbol
(when document is open in RGB mode)
- G.
- Swatch
Library Menu button
- H.
- Show Swatch
Kinds Menu button
- I.
- Swatch Options Menu
- J.
- New Color Group button
- K.
- New Swatch