
Adjust color balance of one or more colors

  1. Select the objects whose colors you want to adjust.
  2. Choose Edit > Edit Colors > Adjust Color Balance.
  3. Set the Fill and Stroke options.
  4. Adjust the color values, and then click OK:
    • If you selected any global process colors or spot colors, use the tint slider to adjust the intensity of the colors. Any nonglobal process colors you selected are not affected.

    • If you are working in CMYK color mode and selected nonglobal process colors, use the sliders to adjust the percentages of cyan, magenta, yellow, and black.

    • If you are working in RGB color mode and selected nonglobal process colors, use the sliders to adjust the percentages of red, green, and blue.

    • If you want to convert the colors you selected to grayscale, select Grayscale from the Color Mode list and select the Convert option. Then use the slider to adjust the percentage of black.

    • If you selected any global process or spot colors and you want to convert them to nonglobal process colors, select either CMYK or RGB from the Color Mode list (depending on the color mode of the document) and select the Convert option. Then use the sliders to adjust the colors.