
Change the corner radius of a rounded rectangle

The corner radius determines the roundness of the rectangle’s corners.

  • To change the default corner radius, choose Edit> Preferences > General (Windows) or Illustrator > Preferences > General (Mac OS), and enter a new value for Corner Radius. Alternatively, select the Rounded Rectangle tool, click in the document window, and enter a new value for Corner Radius. The default radius applies only to new rounded rectangles you draw, not to existing rounded rectangles.
  • To change the corner radius while dragging with the Rounded Rectangle tool, press the Up Arrow key or Down Arrow key. When the corners are the desired roundness, release the key.
  • To create square corners while dragging with the Rounded Rectangle tool, press the Left Arrow key.
  • To create the most rounded corners while dragging with the Rounded Rectangle tool, press the Right Arrow key.