
Work with graphic styles

In the Graphic Styles panel, you can rename or delete graphic styles, break the link to a graphic style, and replace graphic style attributes.

Rename a graphic style

 Choose Graphic Style Options from the panel menu, rename the file, and then click OK.

Delete a graphic style

 Choose Delete Graphic Style from the panel menu and click Yes, or drag the style onto the Delete icon.

Any objects, groups, or layers that used the graphic style retain the same appearance attributes; however, these attributes are no longer associated with a graphic style.

Break the link to a graphic style

  1. Select the object, group, or layer that has the graphic style applied to it.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Choose Break Link To Graphic Style from the Graphic Styles panel menu, or click the Break Link To Graphic Style button  in the panel.

    • Change any appearance attribute of the selection (such as a fill, stroke, transparency, or effect).

      The object, group, or layer retains the same appearance attributes and is now independently editable. However, these attributes are no longer associated with a graphic style.

Replace graphic style attributes

  • Alt‑drag (Windows) or Option‑drag (Mac OS) the graphic style you want to use onto the graphic style you want to replace.
  • Select an object or group (or target a layer in the Layers panel) that has the attributes you want to use. Then Alt‑drag (Windows) or Option‑drag (Mac OS) the thumbnail at the top of the Appearance panel onto the graphic style you want to replace in the Graphic Styles panel.
  • Select the graphic style you want to replace. Then select artwork (or target an item in the Layers panel) that has the attributes you want to use, and choose Redefine Graphic Style “Style name” from the Appearance panel menu.

    The replaced graphic style keeps its name but takes on new appearance attributes. All occurrences of the graphic style in the Illustrator document are updated to use the new attributes.