
Create a graph

  1. Select a graph tool.

    The tool you use initially determines the type of graph Illustrator generates; however, you can easily change the type of graph later on.

  2. Define the dimensions of the graph in any of the following ways:
    • Drag diagonally from the corner where you want the graph to begin to the opposite corner. Alt‑drag (Windows) or Option‑drag (Mac OS) to draw the graph from its center. Hold down Shift to constrain the graph to a square.

    • Click where you want to create the graph. Enter a width and height for the graph, and click OK.

      Note: The dimensions you define are for the main body of the graph and do not encompass the graph’s labels and legend.
  3. Enter data for the graph in the Graph Data window.
    Important: Graph data must be arranged in a specific order, which varies by graph type. Before you start to enter data, be sure to read about how to organize labels and data sets in the worksheet.
  4. Click the Apply button , or press the Enter key on the numeric keypad to create the graph.

    The Graph Data window stays open until you close it. This allows you to easily switch between editing graph data and working on the artboard.