
Create a sliding column design

  1. Create a rectangle as the backmost object in the design. This rectangle is the boundary for the graph design.
  2. Create the design using one of the drawing tools, or place an existing design in front of the rectangle.
  3. Use the Pen tool  to draw a horizontal line to define where the design is to be stretched or compressed.
  4. Select all parts of the design, including the horizontal line.
  5. Choose Object > Group to group the design.
  6. Use the Direct Selection tool  or Group Selection tool  to select the horizontal line. Be sure to select only the horizontal line.
  7. Choose View > Guides > Make Guides.
  8. Choose View > Guides > Lock Guides to remove the check mark next to Lock so you can unlock the guides. Move the design around to make sure that the guide moves with the design.
  9. Use the Selection tool  to select the whole design.
  10. Choose Object > Graph > Design.
  11. Click New Design. A preview of the selected design appears.
  12. Click Rename to name the design.