

Specify playback speed

You can adjust an action’s playback speed or pause it to help you debug an action.

  1. Choose Playback Options from the Actions palette menu.
  2. Specify a speed, and click OK:
    Plays the action at normal speed (the default).
    Note: When you play an action at accelerated speed, the screen may not update as the action executes—files may be opened, modified, saved, and closed without ever appearing on‑screen, enabling the action to execute more quickly. If you want to see the files on‑screen as the action executes, specify the Step By Step speed instead.

    Step By Step
    Completes each command and redraws the image before going on to the next command in the action.

    Pause For __ Seconds
    Specifies the amount of time the application should pause between carrying out each command in the action.

  3. (Photoshop only) Select Pause For Audio Annotation to ensure that each audio annotation in an action is played before the next step in the action is initiated. Deselect this option if you want an action to continue while an audio annotation is playing.