
Edit or redefine a symbol

You can edit a symbol by changing the symbol’s artwork or you can redefine the symbol by replacing it with new artwork. Editing and redefining a symbol changes the appearance of the symbol in the Symbols panel, as well as all instances of the symbol on the artboard.

Edit a symbol

  1. Do one of the following to open the symbol in isolation mode:
    • Select an instance of the symbol and click Edit Symbol in the Control panel. When the Alert box opens, click OK.

    • Double-click an instance of the symbol. When the Alert box opens, click OK.

    • Double-click a symbol in the Symbols panel. A temporary instance of the symbol appears in the center of the artboard.

  2. Edit the artwork.
  3. Exit isolation mode by clicking the Exit Isolation Mode button  at the upper-left corner of the artboard or in the Control panel .

Redefine a symbol with different artwork

  1. Select the artwork that you want to use to redefine an existing symbol. Make sure to select original artwork and not a symbol instance.
  2. In the Symbols panel, click the symbol you want to redefine, and choose Redefine Symbol from the panel menu.
Note: The selected artwork automatically becomes an instance of the symbol. If you don’t want the selected artwork to become a symbol instance, press Shift as you choose Redefine Symbol from the panel menu.