Use the Live Paint Selection tool to select
individual faces and edges in a Live Paint group. Use the Selection
select the entire Live Paint group, and the Direct Selection tool
select paths inside a Live Paint group. When you’re working in a
complex document, you can isolate a Live Paint group so that it
is easy to select the exact face or edge you want.
The Live Paint Selection tool pointer
changes to the face pointer when
it’s positioned over a face, the edge pointer
it’s positioned over an edge, or the x pointer
it’s positioned outside of a Live Paint group.
To select an individual face or edge, click a face or edge.
To select multiple faces and edges, drag a marquee around the items you want to select. Partial selections are included.
To select all contiguous faces that are not separated by a painted edge, double-click a face.
To select faces or edges with the same fill or stroke, triple-click an item. Or click once, choose Select > Same, and then choose Fill Color, Stroke Color, or Stroke Weight on the submenu.
To add items to, or remove items from, the current selection, Shift-click or Shift-drag a marquee around the items.