
About the Extension Manager

An extension is a piece of software that can be added to an Adobe application to enhance the application’s capabilities. You can add extensions to Adobe® Dreamweaver®, Adobe Flash®, and Adobe Fireworks®.

The Adobe Extension Manager provides an easy and convenient way to install and delete extensions in many Adobe applications, and to find information about extensions you’ve installed. It also provides a convenient way to navigate to the Adobe Exchange site, where you can find more extensions, get information about extensions, and rate extensions that you’ve used.

The Extension Manager is automatically installed when you install Dreamweaver, Flash, or Fireworks.

Note: The Extension Manager only displays extensions that are installed using the Extension Manager. Extensions that are installed using a third-party installer or local changes made to your configuration files will not automatically appear in the Extension Manager.

The Adobe Exchange website at www.adobe.com/go/exchange is a repository for many types of extensions. Some extensions on the website are created by Adobe and some are created by other developers. If you find a non-commercial extension you’re interested in, you can download it using your web browser and then install it in an application using the Extension Manager. Some extensions on the Exchange are commercial and cannot be downloaded immediately; the download link will redirect you to the author’s website so you can obtain purchasing information.