
Install extensions

  1. Double-click the extension file in Windows® Explorer (Windows) or in the Finder (Macintosh®).
  2. Read the Adobe extensions disclaimer and any third-party extension license that may be included.

    Select Accept to continue with the installation, or select Decline to cancel the installation.

  3. If you already have another version of the extension installed, or another extension with the same name, the Extension Manager asks if you want to disable or overwrite the one that’s already installed.

    Select Yes to replace the previously installed extension with the new extension, or No to cancel the installation and leave the existing extension in place.

  4. If you’re asked if you would like to replace one or more existing files, select Yes or Yes to All to accept the version or versions included in the extension, or No to keep the current version of that file.

    If you click Cancel, the installation will be cancelled and no files will be installed or replaced.

If the Extension Manager doesn’t encounter any problems, it informs you that the extension has been successfully installed.

Note: For some types of extensions, you must close and then restart the application for the changes to take effect.

If an extension modifies a configuration file such as menus.xml, the Extension Manager creates a backup of the affected configuration file (for example, menus.xbk) before installing the extension. In the unlikely event that the configuration file is damaged by the extension, you can restore it with the backup file.

Important: Adobe recommends that you not modify configuration files by hand. Incorrectly modifying them can cause significant portions of the product to fail and prevent the installation of other extensions. Configuration files should only be modified by the Extension Manager.