
Package and submit an extension

The Extension Manager lets you package extensions and submit them to Adobe for distribution.

Package an extension

  1. Test your extension thoroughly.

    For information on how to configure and test extensions, review the “How do I ensure that my extension will pass testing?” section of the Adobe Exchange site help.

  2. Copy all of the files for your extension to a staging folder for ease of packaging.

    All the files don’t need to be at the same level of the folder hierarchy; you can specify a path to each file, relative to the installation file, using the <file> tag. However, it’s easier to keep track of all the files if you don’t try to package them directly from their installed locations in the Configuration folder.

  3. Create an extension installation file (a filename ending in .mxi) for your extension.

    For more information, see “The Adobe Extension Installation File Format,” which you can download from the Adobe website at www.adobe.com/go/em_file_format.

    You’ll find several sample extension installation files for Dreamweaver, Flash, and Fireworks in the following folders in the Extension Manager application folder: Samples/Dreamweaver, Samples/Flash, and Samples/Fireworks.

  4. In the Extension Manager, select File > Package Extension.
  5. In the file-selection dialog box that appears, browse to your extension’s installation file to select it; then click OK (Windows) or Open (Macintosh).
  6. Select a location for the package file, give it a name (ending in .mxp), and click Save.
    Note: The extension package filename must not contain spaces. It should be a filename that’s valid on both Windows and Macintosh platforms.

    The Extension Manager creates a package file containing compressed versions of all the files used by the extension, including the installation file.

  7. Test the package by installing it using the Extension Manager. After it’s installed, try the extension and make sure everything works as you intended.

Submit an extension

  1. In the Extension Manager, select File > Submit Extension.

    The Adobe Exchange submission page opens in your browser.

  2. Follow the instructions on the page and proceed until you receive a confirmation message.