A website is a set of linked documents and assets with shared attributes, such as related topics, a similar design, or a shared purpose. Dreamweaver is a site creation and management tool, so you can use it to create individual documents and complete websites.
In Dreamweaver the term “site” refers to a local or remote storage location for the documents that belong to a website. A Dreamweaver site provides a way to organize and manage all of your web documents, upload your site to a web server, track and maintain your links, and manage and share files. You should define a site to take full advantage of Dreamweaver features.
A Dreamweaver site consists of as many as three parts, or folders, depending on your development environment and the type of website you are developing:
Together, the local and remote folders enable you to transfer files between your local hard disk and web server, making it easy to manage files in your Dreamweaver sites.
For a tutorial on defining a Dreamweaver site, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0145.