
View or set AP element preferences

Use the AP Elements category in the Preferences dialog box to specify the default settings for new AP elements you create.

  1. Select Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Preferences (Macintosh).
  2. Select AP elements from the Category list on the left and specify any of the following preferences, and then click OK.
    Determines whether AP elements are visible by default. The options are default, inherit, visible, and hidden.

    Width and Height
    Specify a default width and height (in pixels) for AP elements you create using Insert > Layout Objects > AP Div.

    Background Color
    Specifies a default background color. Select a color from the color picker.

    Background Image
    Specifies a default background image. Click Browse to locate the image file on your computer.

    Nesting: Nest When Created Within An AP Div
    Specifies whether an AP Div that you draw starting from a point within the boundaries of an existing AP Div should be a nested AP Div. Hold down Alt (Windows) or Option (Macintosh) to temporarily change this setting while you’re drawing an AP Div.

    Netscape 4 Compatibility: Add Resize Fix When Inserting AP Element
    Inserts JavaScript code in the head content of the document to fix a known problem in Netscape 4 browsers that causes AP elements to lose their positioning coordinates when a visitor resizes a browser window.

    The JavaScript forces the page to reload each time the browser window is resized, re-assigning the AP elements to the correct position. You can also add or remove the JavaScript code manually, by selecting Commands > Add/Remove Netscape Resize Fix.