You can resize an entire table or individual rows and columns. When you resize an entire table, all of the cells in the table change size proportionately. If a table’s cells have explicit widths or heights specified, resizing the table changes the visual size of the cells in the Document window but does not change the specified widths and heights of the cells.
You can resize a table by dragging one of its selection handles. Dreamweaver displays the table width, along with a table header menu, at the top or bottom of the table when the table is selected or the insertion point is in the table.
Sometimes the column widths set in the HTML code do not match their apparent widths on the screen. When this happens, you can make the widths consistent. Table and column widths and header menus appear in Dreamweaver to help you lay out your tables; you can enable or disable the widths and menus as necessary.
You can change the width of a column or the height of a row in the Property inspector or by dragging the borders of the column or row. If you have trouble resizing, you can clear the column widths or row heights and start over.
Dreamweaver displays column widths, along with column header menus, at the tops or bottoms of columns when the table is selected or the insertion point is in the table; you can enable or disable the column header menus as necessary.