
Create an e‑mail link

An e‑mail link opens a new blank message window (using the mail program associated with the user’s browser) when clicked. In the e‑mail message window, the To box is automatically updated with the address specified in the e‑mail link.

Create an e-mail link using the Insert Email Link command

  1. In the Document window’s Design view, position the insertion point where you want the e-mail link to appear, or select the text or image you want to appear as the e-mail link.
  2. Do one of the following to insert the link:
    • Select Insert > Email Link.

    • In the Common category of the Insert bar, click the Email Link button.

  3. In the Text box, type or edit the body of the e-mail.
  4. In the Email box, type the e-mail address, then click OK.

Create an e‑mail link using the Property inspector

  1. Select text or an image in the Document window’s Design view.
  2. In the Link box of the Property inspector, type mailto: followed by an e‑mail address.

    Do not type any spaces between the colon and the e‑mail address.