When you insert a client-side image map, you create a hotspot area and then define a link that opens when a user clicks the hotspot area.
Select the circle tool and drag the pointer over the image to create a circular hotspot.
Select the rectangle tool and drag the pointer over the image to create a rectangular hotspot.
Select the polygon tool and define an irregularly shaped hotspot by clicking once for each corner point. Click the arrow tool to close the shape.
After you create the hotspot, the hotspot Property inspector appears.
The names of all the frames you’ve named in the current document appear in the pop‑up list. If you specify a frame that doesn’t exist, the linked page loads into a new window that has the name you specified. You can also select from the following reserved target names:
_blank loads the linked file into a new, unnamed browser window.
_parent loads the linked file into the parent frameset or window of the frame that contains the link. If the frame containing the link is not nested, the linked file loads into the full browser window.
_self loads the linked file into the same frame or window as the link. This target is the default, so you usually don’t need to specify it.
_top loads the linked file into the full browser window, thereby removing all frames.