
Server scripts in templates and template-based documents

Some server scripts are inserted at the very beginning or end of the document (before the <html> tag or after the </html> tag). Such scripts require special treatment in templates and template-based documents. Normally, if you make changes to script code before the <html> tag or after the </html> tag in a template, the changes are not copied to documents based on that template. This can cause server errors if other server scripts, within the main body of the template, depended on the scripts that are not copied. An alert warns you if you change scripts before the <html> tag or after the </html> tag in a template.

To avoid this problem, you can insert the following code in the head section of the template:

<!-- TemplateInfo codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="true" -->

When this code is in a template, changes to scripts before the <html> tag or after the </html> tag are copied to documents based on that template. However, you will no longer be able to edit those scripts in documents based on the template. Thus, you can choose to either edit these scripts in the template, or in documents based on the template, but not both.