
About creating Dreamweaver templates

You can create a template from an existing document (such as an HTML, Macromedia ColdFusion, or Microsoft Active Server Pages document) or you can create a template from a new document.

After you create a template, you can insert template regions, and set template preferences for code color and template region highlight color.

You can store additional information about a template (such as who created it, when it was last changed, or why you made certain layout decisions) in a Design Notes file for the template. Documents based on a template do not inherit the template’s Design Notes.
Note: Templates in Adobe Dreamweaver differ from templates in some other Adobe Creative Suite products in that page sections of Dreamweaver templates are fixed (or uneditable) by default.

For a tutorial on creating templates, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0157.

For a tutorial on using templates, see www.adobe.com/go/vid0158.