
Export a document’s editable regions as XML

  1. Open a template-based document that contains editable regions.
  2. Select File > Export > Template Data As XML.
  3. Select one of the Notation options:
    • If the template contains repeating regions or template parameters, select Use Standard Dreamweaver XML Tag.

    • If the template does not contain repeating regions or template parameters, select Use Editable Region Names as XML Tags.

  4. Click OK.
  5. In the dialog box that appears, select a folder location, enter a name for the XML file, and then click Save.

    An XML file is generated that contains the material from the document’s parameters and editable regions, including editable regions inside repeating regions or optional regions. The XML file includes the name of the original template, as well as the name and contents of each template region.

    Note: Content in the non-editable regions is not exported to the XML file.