Site cloaking enables you to exclude folders and file types in a site from sitewide operations such as Get or Put, and is enabled by default. You can disable cloaking permanently or just temporarily to perform an operation on all files, including cloaked files. When you disable site cloaking, all cloaked files are uncloaked. When you enable site cloaking again, any previously cloaked files become cloaked again.
Select Cloaking > Enable Cloaking (deselect to disable).
Select Cloaking > Settings, and select Cloaking from the category list on the left in the Advanced Site Definition dialog box. Select or deselect Enable Cloaking, and select or deselect Cloak Files Ending With to enable or disable cloaking for specific file types. You can enter or delete file suffixes in the text box that you want to cloak or uncloak.