You can create numbered (ordered) lists, bulleted (unordered) lists, and definition lists from existing text or from new text as you type in the Document window.
Definition lists do not use leading characters like bullet points or numbers and are often used in glossaries or descriptions. Lists can also be nested. Nested lists are lists that contain other lists. For example, you might want an ordered or bulleted list nested within another numbered or ordered list.
You use the List Properties dialog box to set the appearance of an entire list or for an individual list item. You can set number style, reset numbering, or set bullet style options for individual list items or for the entire list.
Click either the Bulleted or Numbered List button in the Property inspector
Select Text > List and select the type of list desired—Unordered (bulleted) List, Ordered (numbered) List, or Definition List.
The leading character for the specified list item appears in the Document window.