
Check and correct spelling

Use the Check Spelling command in the Text menu to check the spelling in the current1 document. The Check Spelling command ignores HTML tags and attribute values.

By default, the spelling checker uses the U.S. English spelling dictionary. To change the dictionary, select Edit > Preferences > General (Windows) or Dreamweaver > Preferences > General (Macintosh), then in the Spelling Dictionary pop‑up menu select the dictionary you want to use. Dictionaries for additional languages can be downloaded from the Dreamweaver Support Center at www.adobe.com/go/dreamweaver_support.

  1. Select Text > Check Spelling or press Shift+F7.

    When Dreamweaver encounters an unrecognized word, the Check Spelling dialog box appears.

  2. Select the appropriate option based on how you want the discrepancy handled.
    Add To Personal
    Adds the unrecognized word to your personal dictionary.

    Ignores this instance of the unrecognized word.

    Ignore All
    Ignores all instances of the unrecognized word.

    Replaces this instance of the unrecognized word with text that you type in the Change To text box or with the selection in the Suggestions list.

    Change All
    Replaces all instances of the unrecognized word in the same manner.