
Set the code appearance

You can set word wrapping, display line numbers for the code, highlight invalid code, set syntax coloring for code elements, set indenting, and show hidden characters from the View > Code View Options menu.

  1. View a document in Code view or the Code inspector.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Select View > Code View Options

    • Click the View Options button  in the toolbar at the top of Code view or the Code inspector.

  3. Select or deselect any of the following options:
    Word Wrap
    Wraps the code so that you can view it without scrolling horizontally. This option doesn’t insert line breaks; it just makes the code easier to view.

    Line Numbers
    Displays line numbers along the side of the code.

    Hidden Characters
    Displays special characters in place of white space. For example, a dot replaces each space, a double chevron replaces each tab, and a paragraph marker replaces each line break.
    Note: Soft line breaks that Dreamweaver uses for word wrapping are not displayed with a paragraph marker.

    Highlight Invalid Code
    Causes Dreamweaver to highlight in yellow all HTML code that isn’t valid. When you select an invalid tag, the Property inspector displays information on how to correct the error.

    Syntax Coloring
    Enables or disables code coloring. For information on changing the coloring scheme, see Set the code colors.

    Auto Indent
    Makes your code indent automatically when you press Enter while writing code. The new line of code indents to the same level as the previous line. For information on changing the indent spacing, see the Tab Size option in Change the code format.