
Verify tags and braces are balanced

You can check to make sure the tags, parentheses (( )), braces ({ }), and square brackets ([ ]) in your page are balanced. Balanced means that every opening tag, parenthesis, brace, or bracket has a corresponding closing one, and vice versa.

Check for balanced tags

  1. Open the document in Code view.
  2. Place the insertion point in the nested code you want to check.
  3. Select Edit > Select Parent Tag.

    The enclosing matching tags (and their contents) are selected in your code. If you keep selecting Edit > Select Parent Tag, and your tags are balanced, eventually Dreamweaver will select the outermost html and /html tags.

Check for balanced parentheses, braces, or square brackets

  1. Open the document in Code view.
  2. Place the insertion point in the code you want to check.
  3. Select Edit > Balance Braces.

    All of the code between the enclosing parentheses, braces, or square brackets is selected. Choosing Edit > Balance Braces again selects all of the code inside the parentheses, braces, or square brackets that enclose the new selection.