
Apply the Preload Images behavior

The Preload Images behavior shortens display time by caching images that are not shown when the page first appears (for instance, images that will be swapped in with behaviors or scripts).

Note: The Swap Image behavior automatically preloads all highlight images when you select the Preload Images option in the Swap Image dialog box, so you do not need to manually add Preload Images when using Swap Image.
  1. Select an object and choose Preload Images from the Actions menu of the Behaviors panel.
  2. Click Browse to select an image file, or enter the path and filename of an image in the Image Source File box.
  3. Click the Plus (+) button at the top of the dialog box to add the image to the Preload Images list.
  4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for all remaining images that you want to preload on the current page.
  5. To remove an image from the Preload Images list, select it and click the Minus (–) button.
  6. Click OK and verify that the default event is correct. If not, select another event or change the target browser in the Show Events For submenu.