
Apply the Show-Hide Elements behavior

The Show-Hide Elements behavior shows, hides, or restores the default visibility of one or more page elements. This behavior is useful for displaying information as the user interacts with the page. For example, as the user moves the pointer over an image of a plant, you could show a page element giving details about the plant’s growing season and region, how much sun it needs, how large it can grow, and so on. The behavior only shows or hides the pertinent element—it does not actually remove the element from the flow of the page when it is hidden.

  1. Select an object and select Show-Hide Elements from the Actions menu of the Behaviors panel.

    If Show-Hide Elements is unavailable, you probably have an AP element selected. Because AP elements do not accept events in both 4.0 browsers, you must select a different object—such as the <body> tag or a link (<a> tag).

  2. From the Elements list, select the element you want to show or hide and click Show, Hide, or Restore (which restores the default visibility).
  3. Repeat step 2 for all remaining elements whose visibility you want to change. (You can change the visibility of multiple elements with a single behavior.)
  4. Click OK and verify that the default event is correct. If not, select another event or change the target browser in the Show Events For submenu.