
Create a connection using a remote DSN

Note: This section assumes you have set up an ASP application. It also assumes a database is set up on your local computer or on a system to which you have network or FTP access.
Note: Dreamweaver can retrieve only server DSNs created with the Windows ODBC Data Source Administrator.

You can use a DSN defined on a remote computer to create a database connection in Dreamweaver. If you want to use a remote DSN, the DSN must be defined on the Windows computer running your application server (probably IIS).

Note: Because you can only specify an ODBC driver in a DSN, you must use a connection string if you want to use an OLE DB provider.
  1. Define a DSN on the remote system running your application server.

    For instructions, see the following articles on the Microsoft website:

  2. Open an ASP page in Dreamweaver, then open the Databases panel (Window > Databases).
  3. Click the Plus (+) button on the panel and select Data Source Name (DSN) from the menu.
  4. Enter a name for the new connection, without spaces or special characters.
  5. Select Using DSN On Testing Server.
    Note: Macintosh users can ignore this step because all database connections use DSNs on the application server.
  6. Enter the DSN or click the DSN button to connect to the server and select the DSN for the database you want, then complete the options.
  7. Complete the User Name and Password boxes.
  8. You can restrict the number of database items Dreamweaver retrieves at design time by clicking Advanced and entering a schema or catalog name.
    Note: You cannot create a schema or catalog in Microsoft Access.
  9. Click Test to connect to the database, and then click OK. If the connection fails, double‑check the connection string or check the settings for the testing folder Dreamweaver uses to process dynamic pages.