After installing an appropriate JDBC driver
for your database on the computer running your application server,
you can create a database connection in Dreamweaver.
Open a JSP page in Dreamweaver,
then open the Databases panel (Window > Databases).
Click the Plus (+) button and select your driver from
the menu. (If your driver is not listed, select Custom JDBC Connection.)
Enter the connection parameters in the dialog box.
Specify the location of the JDBC driver you want to use.
If your JDBC driver is installed on the
same computer as Dreamweaver, select Using
Driver On This Machine.
If your JDBC driver is not installed on the same
computer as Dreamweaver, select Using Driver
On Testing Server.
Note: Macintosh users can ignore this step
because all database connections use the application server.
If you want, restrict the number of database items Dreamweaver retrieves at
design time by clicking Advanced and entering a schema or catalog
Note: You cannot create a schema or catalog in Microsoft Access.
Click Test, and then click OK.
Dreamweaver attempts to connect
to the database. If the connection fails, double-check the connection
parameters. If the connection still fails, check the settings for
the testing folder Dreamweaver uses to process
dynamic pages.