
Configure a proxy generator to work with Dreamweaver

When you install a web-service proxy generator, you must configure it to work with Dreamweaver.

  1. Select Window > Components to open the Components panel.
  2. In the Components panel, select Web Services from the pop‑up menu in the upper-left corner of the panel, then click the Plus (+) button and select Add Using WSDL.
  3. In the Add Using WSDL dialog box, select Edit Proxy Generator List from the Proxy Generator pop‑up menu.
  4. Click New, select the proxy generator from the pop‑up menu, and click Done.
    • To delete a proxy generator from the list, select it in the list and click Remove.

    • To modify a proxy generator, select it in the list and click Edit. Make changes in the resulting dialog box.

    • To create a copy of a proxy generator, select it in the list and click Duplicate.

    Note: The ColdFusion MX proxy generator is not editable.
  5. Select Default Proxy Generator to configure the selected proxy generator or a new proxy generator, set the following options, and click OK:
    The name of the proxy generator instance to appear in the pop‑up menu.

    Server Models Supported
    The list of server models that the proxy generator supports. Edit the list by using the Plus (+) and Minus (-) buttons.

    Clicking the Plus (+) button displays the Select Server Models dialog box. Select a server model from the list of available server models, and click OK. You can select multiple server models by holding the Control key and selecting from the list.

    Generate Proxy Command
    Generate proxy source code from WSDL information. The following tokens can be used in the proxy generator commands:

    Compile Proxy Command
    Compiles the proxy source code to executable code.

    Introspect Compiled Proxy
    Introspect the compiled proxy by selecting an introspector from the pop‑up menu.

    Destination Folder
    Folder in which to put the compiled web service proxy and its source code.

When Dreamweaver reads a WSDL description of a web service, Dreamweaver carries out the following actions relating to the fields of the Default Proxy Generator:

  • Reads the WSDL as input to find the web service.

  • Generates the web service proxy with the specified run-time environment.

  • Compiles the proxy with the specified compiler.

  • Returns the proxy source code and the compiled proxy in the specified destination folder.