
Form objects

In Dreamweaver, form input types are called form objects. Form objects are the mechanisms that allow users to input data. You can add the following form objects to a form:

Text fields
Accept any type of alphanumeric text entry. The text can be displayed as a single line, multiple lines, and as a password field where entered text is replaced by asterisks or bullets to hide the text from onlookers.
Single line, muliline, and password entries in text fields

Note: Passwords and other information sent to a server using a password field are not encrypted. The transferred data can be intercepted and read as alphanumeric text. For this reason, you should always provide encryption for data you want to keep secure.

Hidden fields
Store information entered by a user, such as a name, e‑mail address, or viewing preference, and then use that data when the user next visits the site.

Perform actions when clicked. You can add a custom name or label for a button, or use one of the predefined “Submit” or “Reset” labels. Use a button to submit form data to the server or to reset the form. You can also assign other processing tasks that you define in a script. For example, the button might calculate the total cost of items selected based on assigned values.

Check boxes
Allow multiple responses within a single group of options. A user can select as many options as apply. The following example shows three check box items selected: Surfing, Mountain Biking, and Rafting.
Check box items selected

Radio buttons
Represent exclusive choices. Selecting a button within a radio button group deselects all others in the group (a group consists of two or more buttons that share the same name). In the example below, Rafting is the currently selected option. If the user clicks Surfing, the Rafting button is automatically cleared.
Radio button group

List menus
Display option values within a scrolling list that allows users to select multiple options. The List option displays the option values in a menu that allows users to select only a single item. Use menus when you have a limited amount of space, but must display many items, or to control the values returned to the server. Unlike text fields where users can type anything they want, including invalid data, you set the exact values returned by a menu.
Note: A pop‑up menu on an HTML form is not the same as a graphical pop‑up menu. For information on creating, editing, and showing and hiding a graphical pop-up menu, see the link at the end of this section.

Jump menus
Navigational lists or pop‑up menus that let you insert a menu in which each option links to a document or file.

File fields
Let users browse to a file on their computer and upload the file as form data.

Image fields
Let you insert an image in a form. Use image fields to make graphical buttons such as Submit or Reset buttons. Using an image to perform tasks other than submitting data requires attaching a behavior to the form object.