You can let the server decide whether to select a check box when the form is displayed in a browser.
Before you begin, you must create the form in a ColdFusion, PHP, ASP, or JSP page, and you must define a recordset or other source of dynamic content for the check boxes. Ideally, the source of content should contain Boolean data, such as Yes/No or true/false.
Click the lightning bolt icon beside the Check If box and select the field from the list of data sources.
The data source must contain Boolean data such as Yes and No, or true and false. If no data sources appear in the list, or if the available data sources don’t meet your needs, click the Plus (+) button to define a new data source.
In the Equal To box, enter the value the field must have for the check box to appear selected.
For example, for the check box to appear selected when a specific field in a record has a value of Yes, enter Yes in the Equal To box.